

Linda Myro Judd

Once Upon A Lily Pond

REWRITE 03/21/2019
Update 03/15/2022

Once upon a time in a valley, far, far, away, there lived a  yuppie princess. Her favorite pastime was visiting the Lily Pond and dancing with the little green frogs.


What would you do if a frog said hello to you? Continue reading “Once Upon A Lily Pond”

It’s NaNoWriMo or Bust!

How can I not tell you this wonderful news. I’m finally working on a novel, and NaNo is the reason. I’m finding that it’s easier to track your words by the day instead of by the final output desired. I’ve taken a moment, well a few moments, to tweak my Fake Book Cover. Here’s my reveal:

I’ll be tracking my progress with widgets provided by NaNoWriMo. Join us next year, unless you’re a really fast writer and have lots of hours to devote to the end of November to write 50,000 words. No Kidding!

On day Nine I was up to 7,941 words. An incredible amount for me, that’s longer than the short stories that I write. Wish me luck, the NaNo word meter tells me I’ll be finished writing my novel on January 1, 2017 at the rate I’m going. Wish me LUCK!

Take care,

How to Write Flash Fiction

Global Mysteries

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flashfictioncartoon-300x300Art Carey, author of “The Gender War,” A Novel, and Flash Fiction writer extraordinaire, is my guest blogger. He offers a brief, to-the-point piece on the art of creating Flash Fiction, a style of writing that is very popular in today’s fast-paced world. As a former newspaper reporter and journalist instructor, Mr. Carey provides concise how-to-write information on Flash Fiction. Enjoy his piece below.

Learn How to Write Flash Fiction in a Flash

Why write flash fiction? Change of pace, less time required, no research, challenge, opportunity to be published.

Flash Fiction is story telling in a box. The box is the maximum number of words.
Micro—Fewer than 100 words
Extreme—Fewer than 500 words
Usual—500 to 1,500 words
Sweet spot—1,000 words

Minimum length: Whatever works. Ernest Hemingway’s classic six words: For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.
My six-word example: (Not a classic but published in penny fiction): My bad… The gun was…

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The Voice

When I was a kid, I used to hear someone calling my name, “Linda!” I always thought it was my mom. The voice was similar to hers. I would always drop whatever I was doing and go to her. She never acted like she had been calling. So after a few minutes, I asked her if she had called me. She said no. Continue reading “The Voice”

Any Beginning Memoir Group Will Do

I made a commitment to do a workshop, but I needed some help to make it work. It also forced me to come to grips with my newly desired writing genre: memoir.

A few weeks ago, I became a convert to writing memoirs, about my life, and got involved in teaching a class on memoirs. It’s one part of a five-part series of workshops Continue reading “Any Beginning Memoir Group Will Do”

SBW Dinner Speaker Kymberlie Ingalls

Dinner Speaker Series Recap: WritersTalk, February 2016

Blog and Brand: Here’s How

By Linda Judd

In January, savvy speaker on “Blogging and Branding: Why Aren’t You?” Kymberlie Ingalls delivered good information about blogging and points to keep in mind for branding your presence on the web. Speaking to an audience who were up to 92% non-bloggers, Kymberlie shared her “why.” Continue reading “SBW Dinner Speaker Kymberlie Ingalls”

Texas to California on Route 66

In Houston, Texas, September 1962, several days after second grade started, my mother gave me the best birthday present.

She said, “Linda, today we’ll do anything you want.”

I was just so thrilled, I blurted out, “Let’s go to the movies.” Continue reading “Texas to California on Route 66”


Reviews of Blood Will Tell by C.S. Donnell

C.S.Donnell is multi-talented. She is a poet, an artist, plays the viola, and on top of that, she is also an author. She is amazing! -Valerie Lee, The Jade Rubies

WOW! Winter 2016 Contest Entry #1

Driving Mr. Daisy

He was told that he was not allowed to drive after his colonoscopy. “Will you be my designated driver?”

“Okay.” I said, and I drove him. Continue reading “WOW! Winter 2016 Contest Entry #1”

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